
Welcome to my site.

I am a software engineer and Debian Developer, currently working extensively with Python/Django. Previously, I used to work with C++/Qt.

Interest: I am interested in any software challenge from architecture to implementation. Over the past 15 years, I have worked for:

More information in the software section.

In a nutshell: I enjoy any programming and especially (but not only!) working with researchers, science institutions, education and free software / open-source projects.

My day-to-day GNU/Linux distribution is Debian which I have enjoyed using since version 2.2 Potato (2000) and in 2024 I became a Debian Developer, both on my desktop and my server(s) when possible. I used to use KDE but on an old laptop I started using LXDE and then migrated to LXDE on all my computers around 2010.

When I am not around a computer, I spend lot of time with Jen and Ada, our daughter.